- Parentage: CDC Stanley/CDC Hughes
- Growing zone: Western Canada
- High yielding
- Short with strong straw
- Fair sprouting tolerance
- Good resistance against leaf and stem rusts
- Midge tolerant
- Improved/excellent amylograph peak viscosity, flour yield on a 0.5 ash basis, and ash
- Parentage: CDC Hughes/Carberry
- Growing zone: Western Canada
- High yielding
- Short with strong straw
- Fair sprouting tolerance
- Good resistance against stem and stripe rusts
- Midge tolerant
- Improved/excellent clean wheat flour yield and loaf top ratio
- Parentage: SY479/Carberry
- Growing zone: Western Canada
- High yielding
- Short with strong straw
- Fair sprouting tolerance
- Good resistance against rusts and common bunt
- Improved/excellent amylograph peak viscosity
- Parentage: PT771/Cardale//CDC Stanley
- Growing zone: Western Canada
- Early maturing
- Good sprouting tolerance
- Good resistance against rusts and FHB
- Improved falling number and flour yield on a 0.5 ash basis
- Parentage: CDC Hughes/Carberry
- Growing zone: Western Canada
- High yielding
- Fair sprouting tolerance
- Midge tolerant
- Excellent flour yield.
- Parentage: Mercato/Vorobey
- Growing zone: Western Canada
- High yielding
- Higher grain weight
- Good rust resistance
- Parentage: Cardale/Carberry
- Growing zone: Western Canada
- High yielding
- Fair sprouting tolerance
- Good resistance to Fusarium head blight
- Excellent clean flour yield.
- Parentage: Peace/Carberry
- Growing zone: Western Canada
- Good sprouting tolerance
- Good resistance to rusts and loose smut
- Higher grain protein content
- Parentage: HY1317/5701PR
- Growing zone: Western Canada
- High yielding
- Fair sprouting tolerance
- Resistant to rusts and bunt
- Parentage: Peace/CDC Stanley
- Growing zone: Parkland region of Alberta and Saskatchewan
- Early maturing
- Good sprouting tolerance
- Resistant to rusts and bunt, intermediate to FHB