Variety Tenders
Request for Proposals – Seed Marketing of CBL Wheat Varieties
Each year, University of Alberta makes available to interested proponents, the sole licensing rights to the production, marketing, distribution, and sale of Pedigreed Seed of wheat varieties developed through Cereal Breeding Lab ( University of Alberta reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. Proponents of proposals accepted by the University will be invited to discuss substantive licensing terms to be concluded within 60 days of the award; however, finalization of a license agreement is not assured.
Deadline – March 21, 2025
New Varieties in 2025
HY2161 is a Canada Prairie Red Spring wheat developed by the Cereal Breeding Lab of the University of Alberta. HY2161 is very high-yielding with 114% grain yield of AAC Penhold and 115% of AAC Brandon. HY2161 stands 5 cm shorter than AAC Brandon and 2.8 cm taller than AAC Penhold but strong strawed with standability similar to AAC Penhold. It has higher kernel weight than AAC Brandon and Carberry. Excellent disease package with R rating for leaf rust, stripe rust, and common bunt. Rated Intermediate for FHB and stem rust. The quality profile meets the CPSR market-class.
For more technical details on the line, please refer to the attached document.
For proposals, please complete the Variety License Proposal HY2161 and submit it to and
Breeder Seed Available: 170 kg
Proposals will be evaluated on company profile, marketing and production strategy, financial offer, and investment plans.
All proposals and inquiries on the Request for Proposals should be directed to:
- Robert Carruthers, Associate Director of Tech Transfer, UofA:
- Tracy Gartner, Research Administrator, CBL, UofA:
Please send proposals to both email addresses.