Research Publications

Google Scholar Profiles

  • An island of receptor-like genes at the Rrs13 locus on barley chromosome 6HS co-locate with three novel sources of scald resistance.

    Eckstein, P.E., L.J. Griffith, X.M. Zhang, T.K. Turkington, M.G. Colin, S. Holden, Walkowiak, S, G.S. Brar, and A. Beattie. 2024.

    Preprint ResearchSquare.

  • Adaptive diversification through structural variation in barley

    Murukarthick, J., Q. Lu, H. Pidon, M.T. Rabanus-Wallace, M. Bayer, T. Lux, Y. Guo, B. Jaegle, A. Badea, W. Bekele, G.S. Brar, K. Braune, B. Bunk, K.J. Chalmers, B. Chapman, M.E. Jorgensen, J-W. Feng, M. Feser, A. Fiebig, H. Gundlach, W. Guo, G. Haberer, M. Hansson, A. Himmelbach, I. Hoffie1, R.E. Hoffie, H. Hu, S. Isobe, P. Konig, S. M. Kale, N. Kamal, G. Keeble-Gagnere, B. Keller, M. Knauft, R. Koppolu, S.G. Krattinger, J. Kumlehn, P. Langridge, C. Li, M.P. Marone, A. Maurer, K.F.X. Mayer, M. Melzer, G.J. Muehlbauer, E. Murozuka, S. Padmarasu, D. Perovic, K. Pillen, P.A. Pin, C.J. Pozniak, L. Ramsay, P.R. Pedas, T. Rutten, S. Sakuma, K. Sato, D. Schuler, T. Schmutzer, U. Scholz, M.Schreiber, K. Shirasawa, C. Simpson B. Skadhauge, M. Spannag, B.J. Steffenson, H.C. Thomsen, J.F. Tibbits, M.T.S. Nielsen, C. Trautewig, D. Vequaud, C. Voss, P. Wang, R. Waugh, S. Westcott, M.W. Rasmussen, R. Zhang, X-Q. Zhang, T. Wicker, C. Dockter, M. Mascher, and N. Stein. 2024.

    Preprint bioRxiv.

  • Origin and evolution of the bread wheat D genome. Preprint

    Cavalet-Giorsa1, E., A. Gonzalez-Munoz1, N. Athiyannan, S. Holden, A. Salhi, C. Gardener, J. Quiroz-Chavez, S.M. Rustamova, A.F. Elkot, M. Patpour, A. Rasheed, L. Mao, E.S. Lagudah, S.K. Periyannan, A. Sharon, A. Himmelbach, J.C. Reif, M. Knauft, M. Mascher, N. Stein, N. Chayut, S. Ghosh, D. Perovic, A. Putra, A.B. Perera, C-Y. Hu1, G. Yu, H.I. Ahmed, K.D. Laquai, L.F. Rivera, R. Chen, Y. Wang, X. Gao, S. Liu, W.J. Raupp, E.L. Olson, J-Y. Lee, P. Chhuneja, S. Kaur, P. Zhang, R.F. Park, Y. Ding, D-C, Liu, W. Li, F.Y. Nasyrova, J. Dvorak, M. Abbasi, M. Li, N Kumar, W.B. Meyer, W.H.P. Boshoff, B.J. Steffenson, O. Matny, P.K. Sharma, V.K. Tiwari, S. Grewal, C. Pozniak, H.S. Chawla, J. Ens, L.T. Dunning, J.A. Kolmer, G.R. Lazo, S. Xu, Y. Gu, X., C. Uauy, M. Abrouk, S. Bougouffa, G.S. Brar, B.B.H. Wulff, and S.G. Krattinger. 2023.


  • Leaf water relations and osmotic adjustment of Canada Western Red Spring wheat cultivars subjected to drought.

    Sharma, G., G.S. Brar, and T. Knipfer. 2023.

    Functional Plant Biology, 50(12):1037-1046.

  • Race typing of Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici using an improved differential set will accelerate genetic gains for stripe rust resistance in Canada

    Fetterley, V., R. Kutcher, S. Kumar, H. Randhawa, M. Iqbal, and G.S. Brar. 2023.

    Plant Pathology, 73(2):215-220.

  • Uncovering the history of recombination and population structure in western Canadian stripe rust populations through mating type alleles.

    Holden, S, G. Bakkeren, J. Hubensky, R. Bamrah, M. Abbasi, D. Qutob, M-L. de Graaf, S.H. Kim, H.R. Kutcher, B.D. McCallum, H.S. Randhawa, M. Iqbal, K. Uloth, R.R. Burlakoti, and G.S. Brar. 2023.

    BMC Biology, 21:233.

  • Population genomic analysis of Aegilops tauschii identifies targets for bread wheat improvement.

    Gaurav, K., S, Arora, P. Silva, J. Sánchez-Martín, R. Horsnell, L. Gao, G.S. Brar, V. Widrig, W.J. Raupp, N. Singh, S. Wu, S.M. Kale, C. Chinoy, P. Nicholson, J. Quiroz-Chávez, J. Simmonds, S. Hayta, M.A. Smedley, W. Harwood, S. Pearce, D. Gilbert, N. Kangara, C. Gardener, M. Forner-Martínez, J. Liu, G. Yu, S.A. Boden, A. Pascucci, S. Ghosh, A.N. Hafeez, T. O’Hara, J. Waites, J. Cheema, B. Steuernagel, M. Patpour, A.F. Justesen, S. Liu, J.C. Rudd, R. Avni, A. Sharon, B. Steiner, R.P. Kirana, H. Buerstmayr, A.A. Mehrabi, F.Y. Nasyrova, N. Chayut, O. Matny, B.J. Steffenson, N.Sandhu, P. Chhuneja, E. Lagudah, A.F. Elkot, S. Tyrrell, X. Bian, R.P. Davey, M. Simonsen, L. Schauser, V.K. Tiwari, H.R. Kutcher, P. Hucl, A. Li, D-C. Liu, L. Mao, S. Xu, G. Brown-Guedira, J. Faris, J. Dvorak, M-C. Luo, K. Krasileva, T. Lux, S. Artmeier, K. F.X. Mayer, C. Uauy, M. Mascher, A.R. Bentley, B. Keller, J. Poland, and B.B.H. Wulff. 2022.

    Nature Biotechnology, 40(3):422-431.

  • Comparison of single-trait and multi-trait genomic predictions on agronomic and disease resistance traits in spring wheat.

    Iqbal, M., K. Semagn, D. Jarquin, H. Randhawa, B.D. McCallum, R. Howard, R. Aboukhaddour, I. Ciechanowska, K. Strenzke, J. Crossa, J.J. Ceron-Rojas, A. N’Diaye, C. Pozniak, and D. Spaner. 2022. Identification of disease resistance parents and genome-wide association mapping of resistance in spring wheat.

    Plants, 11: 2905.

  • Genomic prediction accuracy of stripe rust in six spring wheat populations by modeling genotype by environment interactions.

    Semagn, K., M. Iqbal, D. Jarquin, H. Randhawa, R. Aboukhaddour, R. Howard, I. Ciechanowska, M. Farzand, R. Dhariwal, C.W. Hiebert, A. N’Diaye, C. Pozniak, and D. Spaner. 2022.

    Plants, 11: 1736.

  • Comparison of single-trait and multi-trait genomic predictions on agronomic and disease resistance traits in spring wheat

    Semagn, K., J. Crossa, J. Cuevas, M. Iqbal, I. Ciechanowska, M. A. Henriquez, H. Randhawa, B. L. Beres, R. Aboukhaddour, B. D. McCallum, A. L. Brûlé-Babel, A. N’Diaye, C. Pozniak, and D. Spaner. 2022.

    Appl. Genet., 135: 2747-2767.

  • Genomic Predictions for Common Bunt, FHB, Stripe Rust, Leaf Rust, and Leaf Spotting Resistance in Spring Wheat.

    Semagn, K., M. Iqbal, D. Jarquin, J. Crossa, R. Howard, I. Ciechanowska, M.A. Henriquez, H. Randhawa, R. Aboukhaddour, B.D. McCallum, A.L. Brûlé-Babel, A. Navabi, A. N’Diaye, C. Pozniak, and D. Spaner. 2022.

    Genes, 13: 565.

  • Genome-wide association mapping of agronomic traits and grain characteristics in spring wheat under conventional and organic management systems.

    Semagn, K., M. Iqbal, A. N’Diaye, C. Pozniak, I. Ciechanowska, S-P. Barbu, and D. Spaner. 2022.

    Crop Sci., 26 March 2022.

  • Genome-based prediction of agronomic traits in Canadian spring wheat under conventional and organic management systems.

    Semagn, K., M. Iqbal, J. Crossa, D. Jarquin, R. Howard, H. Chen, D.H. Bemister, B. L. Beres, H. Randhawa, Amidou N’Diaye, C. Pozniak, and D. Spaner. 2022.

    Theor. Appl. Genet. 135: 537-552.

  • Combined selection of Gpc-B1 and Glu-B1 locus encoding the Bx7OE subunit for improving end-use quality of hard white wheat

    Brar, G.S., C.J. Pozniak, C. Briggs, and P.J. Hucl. 2021.

    Journal of Cereal Science, 100:103260.

  • Genetic diversity and selective sweeps in historical and modern Canadian spring wheat cultivars using the 90K SNP array.

    Semagn, K., M. Iqbal, N. Alachiotis, A. N’Diaye, C. Pozniak, and D. Spaner. 2021.

    Scientific Reports, 11: 23773.

  • Physical mapping of QTL associated with agronomic and end-use quality traits in spring wheat under two nitrogen management systems.

    Semagn, K., M. Iqbal, H. Chen, E. Perez-Lara, D. H. Bemister, R. Xiang, J. Zou, M. Asif, A. Kamran, A. N’Diaye, H. Randhawa, B. L. Beres, C. Pozniak, and D. Spaner. 2021.

    Theor. Appl. Genet., 134: 3699-3719.

  • Genetic factors affecting Fusarium head blight resistance improvement form introgression of exotic Sumai 3 alleles (including Fhb1, Fhb2, and Fhb5) in hard red spring wheat

    Brar, G.S., A.L. Brûlé-Babel, Y. Ruan, M.A. Henriquez, C.J. Pozniak, H.R. Kutcher, and P.J. Hucl. 2019.

    Plant Biology, 19:179.

  • There are Different Pathways to Stable Spring Wheat Grain Yield and Nitrogen Utilization Efficiency in Conventional and Organically-Managed Systems

    Kubota, H., R-C. Yang, M. Iqbal, and D. Spaner. 2019.

    Crop Sci., 58: 1542-1557.

  • Evaluation of Fusarium head blight resistance genes Fhb1, Fhb2, and Fhb5 introgressed into elite Canadian hard red spring wheats: effect on agronomic and end-use quality traits and implications for breeding

    Brar, G.S., C.J. Pozniak, H.R. Kutcher, and P.J. Hucl. 2019.

    Molecular Breeding, 39:44.

  • Investigating Genetic Progress and Variation for Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Spring Wheat.

    Kubota, H., M. Iqbal, M. Dyck, S. Quideau, R-C. Yang, and D. Spaner. 2018.

    Crop Sci., 58: 1542-1557.